At Headstart Ramsey, we are very excited to share with you that we are creating The Nest!
It will enable us to cater and care for children under the age of 2, providing them with a warm, safe, enabling environment free to explore with other children their age. We want you to be a part of our journey as we race against the clock to have it all ready for our completion date of Friday 14th February. We will then be hosting an open day on Saturday 15th February where we will be opening up to the public for the day for an exclusive opportunity to explore the brand new environment!
A very special delivery was made to Headstart on Saturday 25th January. Instructions anyone?

The alarm clocks were set for a very early 06:00am start on Sunday 26th February! We are very lucky to have such a dedicated team!

30th January
The Nest now has a roof! The building is starting to take shape, we still have a long way to go!

The team have been working tirelessly to ensure this project is completed on time! The windows and doors are in, and the building is now fully weatherproof!

The Nest is now ready for flooring and decoration! Keep an eye out for more updates.

Wow! What a transformation!
The flooring and insulation is complete, the furniture has started to be moved in. The nest is finally starting to take shape! There is still some important finishing touches to take place, thanks to our dedicated team, they have managed to make this amazing transformation happen within 2 weeks! What an achievement.
The countdown for the open day has now begun, we are inviting everyone for an exclusive first look at the Nest on Saturday 15th February, come along and join the fun!
8 More sleeps to go!