Your weekly round-up of news from around our wonderful Golden Apples Family nurseries is here!

The Appletree, Attleborough
Last month during our staff meeting, Stephanie set the team a challenge to develop a story sack, with the intention of eventually loaning them out to families to share at home.
Staff were given strict instructions to be as creative as they wanted, but to use resources we already had or with a very small budget.
The team recently shared their creations – and Stephanie was blown away by the Appletree efforts!
Emily created a story sack around the book It’s Time For Dinner and included resources to share at home, as well as lovely role-play equipment.
Emma created a fabulous sensory bag based on the Dr Seuss book My Many Coloured Days and even included sign language resources!

Nikki put together a wonderful sack based around The Hungry Caterpillar again, including resources to share at home and mark-making tasks.
Nicole used the very popular book Going On A Bear Hunt and included lots of ideas for pre-school age children to enjoy.

And did you know nobody spent a penny! All resources were found between home or nursery, apart from a little bit of printing. Absolute superstars!

The Beacon, Rendlesham
This was a lot of fun! Babies placed the piggies into the mud tray (or, rather, chocolate!) and explored, using their senses of smell and touch.
We made lots of marks using the piggies to walk along the mud – this made the babies giggle.
Lots of language, encouraged with the support of the practitioners. We finished off by bathing the animals as they were rather dirty!

The Ark, Watton
It is with great pride that we announce that our Ofsted Report has gone live and we are happy to share with you that we achieved a GOOD!
Here’s the link for the report if you would like to read it:

The Cornerstone, Martlesham
Here at the Cornerstone the children have been learning about independence.
The Barn Owls have been serving their own snacks while the pre-schoolers have been enjoying cleaning their own plates.

The Anchor, Huntingdon
Here are a few photos from our parents evening – as you can see, the pictures are already on the wall.
The children wouldn't let is rest until we had completed the display of their parents' drawings!

Head Start, Ramsey
The children have thoroughly enjoyed learning and exploring minibeasts – they found so many creatures living under stones and logs.
We used information books to find out interesting facts about our favourite minibeasts.
They absolutely loved exploring the different insects and watched them through the magnifying glass.
A brilliant start to the summer term!