The summer break is here – but that doesn’t mean the Golden Apples Family fun has to end. Stay tuned for news and top tips and summer activities!

Bluebell, Eltisley
The kids at Bluebell showed off their creative skills by making amazing window collages!

The babies and toddlers got stuck into some balloon sensory fun!

The Appletree, Attleborough
The gravel-digging and pit escapades reached whole new depths at the Appletree! The children were very excited and eager to help out – and they did a super job.
First, we decided how we were going to make our pit, then we dug a very big hole with some teeny tiny spades (and some big grown-up ones).
Next, when we’d made sure the hole was big enough for our tub, we helped Sarah drill some holes in the bottom of the tub for drainage and then filled in the side gaps with soil.
The final job was to fill the tub with stones, find some diggers and enjoy!

10 Things To Try This Summer!
With the nurseries quieting down over the summer, the weekly Golden Apples Family Nurseries News Round-up will be bringing you top tips on things to do with the kids over August and early September.

1. Do a butterfly painting
2. Learn a new song
3. Learn a new poem

4. Make a pop video to a summer song 5. Dress up like a famous pop star you love listening to
6. Go on a bear hunt 7. Make your own musical instruments

8. Make fruit cocktails complete with mini umbrella
9. Make your own muffin pizzas
10. Go to an outdoor show/fair/market